Monday, May 2, 2011

Rural Electric Administration: Designing for America's Future

What is the New Deal? Created in 1935, the New Deal's achievement was bringing electricity to rural areas like the TN valley. Power Companies said that farmers must pay for the energy they use and pay the power company for costs of construction. In order to avoid this... Rural Electric Administration was created.

What is the Rural Electric Admin? Sponsoring cooperatives that received low-cost government loans for developing electric power, The Rural Electrification Administration, a division of the Department of Agriculture, was developed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It improved the nation’s rural areas as well as  reviving the post-Depression economy by providing jobs.

Why a poster campaign to convince people to have electricity in rural areas? Because the audience for these posters had limited reading skills, these simple but visually dramatic posters express their messages in primarily graphic terms. The bold colors and images made electricity very appealing and showed an improved  quality of life. Electricity would improve the standard of living and the economic competitiveness of the family farm. 

Why is it fruitful to apply techniques to Alabama tornadoes? Simple readable designs that are very powerful may have quite the impact on people and reach a broader audience across the United States. Bright colors including red white and blue exhibit patriotism and "togetherness". 

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