Monday, May 9, 2011

Help Alabama: Inspired by Lester Beall

“A designer…has the true responsibility to give his audiences not what they think they want, for this is almost invariably the usual, the accustomed, the obvious, and hence, the unspontaneous.  Rather, he should provide that quality of thought and intuition which rejects the ineffectual commonplace for effectual originality.”
 – Lester Beall

The Rural Electrification Administration posters of Lester Beall demonstrated visually the use of color, line, photography and design. Above, I created a Beall inspired poster for the Alabama Tornado victims (as a whole) with the eternalized theme of "helping tornado victims participates in the identity of America--that is to say helping these victims, helps the United States. Like Beall, I used red white and blue as my predominant colors throughout the image. Similar to his simple shape use, I created a large blue shape for the background with over a hundred stars fading through out the entire image. These stars not only represent the people of the United States, but more specifically the victims of the tornado. On top of the blue I also incorporated an abstract red and white basic shape to reflect the image of a flag. The stripes, line of font, and lines in the stars project the same decision from Beall as a designer, in using line. Beall also was known for taking black and white photographs and either using a part of an image or  incorporating the image in its entirety within the image. I chose a black and white photograph of the tornado damage specifically at one location. Under the flag (the most forward image) is of a turned over couch. The eternalized message and idea I had behind this photo is, Tornadoes can hit anywhere and affect anyone, it is something that damages people personally and really hits home (hence the furniture from a home). With the stars representing the victims, I wanted a more personal photograph representing an individual or family - something people can relate to. Regarding the text in the poster, I chose "Help Alabama". It is a very simple message similar to Beall's many simple messages through out his design. I Overall I really enjoyed studying Beall's work and replicating a poster with a little bit more of a present time feel. 

The photo I used-

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